Reply To: Buildings

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Buildings Reply To: Buildings


Barrage or any indirect that hits a building /unit in a building then tests to see which floor it explodes on!  – You can either target empty building OR units within building, but you cant target buildings that have units inside. (gameplay reasons).  This means when calling in a barrage you roll for every building in range as if its a unit because you might just blow it up!

From v2 (cant recall if majorly different in v3) any level where you could stand /place models is counted as a floor plus any shaped roof.  You roll starting from the roof to see if the shell explodes (4+).  If not roll on the next floor unit either you hit the lowest level OR the shell explodes.

You then roll to see the number of hits the shell does, as 10+ will bring the building down, even if the floor is empty.  If not empty you then half the hits if down and roll the FULL number of hits against the unit occupying the floor – yes this means you can hit models multiple times.

  • This reply was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Nat.