Reply To: Bolt Action wish list of new models

Home Forums Historical Bolt Action Bolt Action wish list of new models Reply To: Bolt Action wish list of new models

Andy Lilof

Oh good grief! A wish list…..where to start.
Ok…agree with Gareth. let’s be having those…
And ( bad form this but it reflects my need) LLOYD CARRIER!!!!!
Pak 44 split trail ‘ the barn door’
Anything remotely related to 21PZ Div.
Plastic early war French ……And all the nice lafly variants.
The crusader gun tractor ( it has a name but I’m having a senior moment right now)
Reworked British plastics.( I know they’re ‘ on the list’ but…soon please!
I will add to this😁

Soviet 122mm gun….in German use…horse drawn.😉