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New: Bolt Action Soviet Forward Observation Officer team!

Famous for their use of massed artillery, the soldiers of the Red Army urgently need a Forward Observation Officer team. As if by magic we have just the thing…

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Our Soviet FOO team comprises the FOO himself, peering at the enemy positions through field glasses and field telephone at the ready. He is ably assisted by a female signaller and a Soviet soldier checking map co-ordinates.

All three miniatures come with separate Figure Heads – in fact there are 5 heads included so you have plenty to choose from. The spares will be good for other  models in your army be they metal or plastic.

Recently released, but now painted, pour Soviet Army command pack contains two officers and a female medic. As with the FOO team it contains extra heads.

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That’s enough about the Chiefs – you’ll need some Indians! Our new plastic Russian Infantry give you an absolute stack of options and makes 40 miniatures for a great price!

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If you are looking for something a bit different, and more than a bit potent, these armoured assault engineers are right up your street!

And to help you get your models finished and into the action we’ve put together this handy Soviet Infantry paint set.

It contains 8x Vallejo Paints from the Panzer Aces range and and the Model Colour range: –

  • Khaki Grey (Vallejo 880): Uniform and sidecap
  • Flat Red (Vallejo 957) Epaulette Piping and sidecap red star
  • Black (Vallejo 950): Boots
  • Russian Green (Vallejo 894): Helmet
  • Khaki (Vallejo 988): Webbing
  • English Uniform Brown (Vallejo 921): Bedroll/greatcoat
  • Japan Uniform WWII (Vallego 923): Padded tunic or trousers
  • German Camo Medium Brown (Vallejo 826): SMG and rifle ammo pouches

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