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New: Bolt Action Churchill AVRE!

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Adding more punch to the Allied arsenal is this great-looking new vehicle. AVRE stood for Armoured Vehicle Royal Engineers and provided excellent battlefield support to the engineers. Armed with a devastating 290mm spigot mortar this tank was more than capable of cracking bunkers and other fortifications as well as providing the basis for many of 79th Divisions ‘Funnies’…

AVRE Churchill

AVRE Churchill

How do you top the already monstrous Churchill? Adapt it so that it chucks 40 lb rounds equipped with a 28 lb warhead. A proper mobile bunker buster indeed. Now ready to wreak havoc on your tabletop!

AVRE Churchill

AVRE Churchill

You can purchase this beast here in the webstore.

Besides the classic Churchill itself, we’ve also recently released the terrifying Crocodile version of this iconic tank.



The Crocodile and AVRE would often work in unison with the AVRE cracking bunkers and the Crocodile pouring liquid fire in through the cracks. Nasty…