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March Madness!

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Mad as March Hares us lot at Warlord! The madness has manifested itself as two superb special deals that run through this month:

March Madness Offer 1: 10% postage on all orders placed during March! For those of you outside Her Most Imperial Majesty’s United Kingdom this presents something of a saving – 8% for those in Europe and a whopping 10% if you are elsewhere in the world.

All the Fanatics go wild during March Madness!

March Madness Offer 2: Any order placed during March that exceeds £75 will be sent out with FREE shipping! Bearing in mind our usual shipping charges are 10% for the UK, 18% for Europe and 20% for the rest of the world you can see there’s plenty of cash to be saved by adding one or two more items to your shopping basket this month.

Both of these offers only run until 31st March so don’t wait around and get shopping now!