Ancient British, Celts, Hail Caesar, Latest News, Showcase

Celts – an equal opportunities employer!

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In our effort to bring you the most interesting Celtic army models for your wargaming and collecting needs, Warlord Games is very happy to offer our excellent Female Celt Warriors for your barbarian hordes.

Celtic society provided equal opportunities for women – they ruled and they fought  alongside the men. Great names such as Boadicea and Cartimandua will long be remembered but there are also many accounts of Celtic women joining raiding parties.

Female Celt Warriors

The Female Celtic Warriors pack is great for adding more variety into your Celt army or you could go the whole hog and form a complete unit of them. Pity the man who tried to stop these single-minded women when their dander is up!

Female Celt Warrior A:

Female Celt Warrior A

Female Celt Warrior B:

Female Celt Warrior B

Female Celt Warrior C:

Female Celt Warrior C

Female Celt Warrior D:

Female Celt Warrior D

Female Celt Warrior D (rear):

Female Celt Warrior D (rear)

Female Celt Warrior E:

Female Celt Warrior E

Female Celt Warrior F:

Female Celt Warrior F

These vicious yet somehow attractive (well, most of them!) female furies (along with a handy Celt Upgrade Pack) are now available in the Warlord Games web store.