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Made in Britain

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With the first of our plastic boxed sets now unleashed upon the gaming world it’s time to take a deep breath and give due credit to some of the people who have made all of this possible…

Whilst Warlord Games is the brainchild of Paul and John, we are so much more than that with a veritable legion helping us to get to where we are today.

Nobody has worked harder than everyone at Renedra Ltd who do all of our tooling. But it’s not their superb work ethic that is their greatest strength – simply put they are the best in the world at what they do. A superb example of British craftsmanship.

Having been instrumental in building up the Games Workshop plastics division, Terry and Joan Ardener (curiously missing from the photos…) have struck out on their own. They’ve also enlisted their highly experienced sons, Paul and Pete into the toolroom – the result is a smooth, friendly operation backed up by a wicked sense of humour…

Thanks guys – don’t drink it all at once!